The art of tackling change.
No organization is the same. Neither are their cultural & systemic issues. Together, they create highly individual change.
Cultural change.
Every organization consists of its people. And since they're all different, the entire organization is truly unique - and fragile. Cultural change hits hardest where people and new strategies won't match. M&As are a classic example. Simply focussing on numbers is the worst approach here: culture is about people. Getting them "back in the boat" will not only fix but boost the numbers. That's why our focus is on the people - the true engine of any organization.
Systemic Change.
Information is everything. Utilizing and maintaining information systems is key to success. To stay competitive, these systems -often heavily customized- need to be adapted over time. Sounds like an easy thing to do for anyone without contemporary IT background, but: migration complexity increases with the mix of heterogeneous legacy systems and the data that comes with them. Divas among experts add to the chaos. Hence, we make them cooperate.