About our CEO, Founder & Owner
Harvard University (Master Class in Change Management) • Hult Business School (MBA) • Open University Business School (BSc majoring in Change Management)
Professional Experience
Expert in Change Management • 20+ years of leadership experience • 140+ projects & assignments • Extensive international experience • Multilingual speaker • Passionate about innovation & change as an infinite resource
ISO/IEC 17024 Certified Business Transfers & Acquisitions Advisory (M&A) • ISO/PRF 20700 Certified Management Consultancy [pending] • ICF-accredited Diploma in Systemic Coaching
About us.
We are a small, effective, extremely flexible & globally operating management consultancy specializing in managing change. It's all we do - and we love it. Why is this relevant enough for our CEO to insist having it on our website? Because you're naturally good at what you really love.
We listen to your needs. And we firmly recommend not to ignore the needs of most everyone else in your organization. Pays off straight away.
Having obtained a detailed view of your needs, we identify key goals and carefully work out a strategy unique to your organization.
With a clear strategy and achievable goals, we either walk you through every step necessary or -if you wish- implement it ourselves.
Change requires patience, adaptation processes take time. Leaving you at that isn't our style. Thus, we monitor & adjust where necessary.
We love change.
We are successful if you are. Therefore, our passion is listening to clients ideas, thinking through innovative strategies, testing different scenarios and implement our shared vision of what's best. We love to prove that any challenging situation can be balanced and re-stabilized. Most importantly, we keep simple what's highly complex: change.
We work globally.

We are proud to help.
At the core of our business, we help organizations and the people who lead them get better in what they're naturally best at.
We catalyze strengths, combine them with talents, align them with goals and help create true innovation from within.
Rather than fearing change, we embrace it and turn it into a never-ending, unlimited and thus truly sustainable stable resource.